Begrebet testprincipper er omtalt flere steder i litteraturen, og jeg omtaler her de steder jeg lige kender til:
I ISTQB Foundation Syllabus Version 4.0 er nævnt følgende syv testprincipper:
- Testing shows the presence, not the absence of defects
- Exhaustive testing is impossible
- Early testing saves time and money
- Defects cluster together
- Tests wear out
- Testing is context dependent
- Absence-of-defects fallacy
I bogen 'TestGoal - Result-Driven Testing' skrevet af Derk-Jan de Grood skriver han om følgende ti testprincipper for testerne:
- Focus on result
- Build trust
- Take responsibility
- Master the testing profession
- Build bridges
- Test in phases
- Facilitate the entire IT life cycle
- Provide overview and insight
- Ensure re-usability
- Keep in mind: Testing is fun!
I bogen 'The Complete Guide to Software Testing' skrevet af Bill Hetzel skriver han om følgende seks testprincipper:
- Complete Testing Is Not Possible
- Testing Work Is Creative and Difficult
- An Important Reason for Testing is to Prevent Deficiencies from Occurring
- Testing Is Risk-Based
- Testing Must Be Planned
- Testing Requires Independence
I bogen 'Agile Testing' skrevet af Lisa Crispin og Janet Gregory skriver de om følgende ti testprincipper i relation til test i agil kontekst, som i deres optik er vigtige:
- Provide continuous feedback.
- Deliver value to the customer.
- Enable face-to-face communication.
- Have courage.
- Keep it simple.
- Practice continuous improvement.
- Respond to change.
- Self-organize.
- Focus on people.
- Enjoy.
I bogen 'Effective Software Testing - A Developer's Guide' skrevet af Mauricio Aniche skrives der om følgende syv testprincipper - hvor nogle minder om ISTQBs - måske med lidt andre ord:
- Exhaustive testing is impossible
- Knowing when to stop testing
- Variability is important
- Bugs happen in some places more that others
- No matter what testing you do, it will never be perfect or enough
- Context is king
- Verification is not validation
Jeg synes de forskellige kilder er interessante, og kan danne grundlag for en del refleksion og overvejelser.