torsdag den 9. februar 2017

World Quality Report 2016-17

Ventet med længsel - så kom den endelig - årets World Quality Report 2016-17 i samarbejde med HPE, Sogeti og søsterselskabet Capgemini. Ventet med længsel fordi rapporten opsummerer tilstanden for test- og kvalitetsområdet. Denne rapport er udarbejdet med baggrund i 1.600 interviews fra 21 lande og fordelt på 10 forskellige brancher/sektorer.

De fem vigtigste key-findings er:
  1. Digital Transformation continues to drive IT strategy and make itself felt in the QA and Testing function.
  2. Agile and DevOps continue to grow in adoption, with QA making a corresponding move.
  3. The emergence of Internet of Things functionality i a disrupting force with the potential to increase the impact of failure.
  4. The challenges around managing and driving down the cost of test environment management are growing.
  5. The continued requirement to find efficiencies at every level in QA and Testing remains evident despite this year's success in containing costs.
Dette har resulteret i følgende key-recommendations:
  1. Invest in intelligent self-learning QA and Testing platforms for all areas of the application landscape.
  2. Adopt a QA approach for DevOps, agile and traditional - powered by enablement teams that help to truly shift left quality.
  3. Invest in as-a-service solutions for test environment management, test data management and test execution.
  4. Develop Internet of Things-specific test strategies.
  5. Manage quality with simple balanced scorecards per Line of Business and per application or process.
Årets World Quality Report kan downloades her: